A Height Difference Can Spell Disaster In The Sex Industry


Kate Grant is one of those ladies that have really made a name for themselves within the adult entertainment industry. The “miaow-ook” style of dress which has been dominating the Adult entertainment industry is now bringing Kate Grant to the limelight as the new face of “rowth” in the industry. Kate has had quite the career as an actress, model, writer, and actress in films and on television, including appearances on such shows as Burn Notice, Frasier, and numerous others. It’s quite apparent that she has seen the good side of herself in every role that she’s ever gotten.

Now it seems that Kate Grant is looking to take her sex life to the next level and has entered the adult industry as a performer/author. While there is still no word on whether or not Kate will be signing over the rights to her sex books to an E-book publishing house, it seems that her own knowledge of the sexual industry in the past has given her the necessary knowledge to move forward with this plan. Her increasing height difference, combined with her previous roles, have made this step seems necessary to increase visibility, and as someone who knows what she’s doing in the sex industry, it should come as no surprise that she’s taking this step.

Now is Kate Grant the next “big thing” in the adult entertainment industry? The answer to that depends on how much one can differentiate between Kate Grant’s real life personality and her public persona on the paper. While some people may argue that one person’s trash is another’s treasure, Kate Grant’s height difference certainly doesn’t help her case one bit. The fact that she’s written three books based on subjects related to the sexual industry might also lend the public’s eye to her being a “snake oil” salesperson, but then again, there are many people who think of themselves as such, regardless of their actual ability in the “sex” industry.
