A Height Chart By Violeta Sanchez


Recently Violeta Sanchez has been making the media rounds promoting her book, “How We Are Kids: A New Comprehensive Family Guide to Healthy Growth and Development.” The book discusses several issues that parents face today with their children’s height, reading skills, emotional development, and more. One of the most interesting discussions within the book is a chart comparing children of different nationalities and races. This chart compares weights, or height, of all children in each category at various ages. For example, if you look at the chart and divide the children into different age brackets, you will see that the heights for some children are significantly lower than others.

So why would this be? The answer lies in understanding how nationalities differ in terms of culture and genetics. Some nationalities have been known to have a higher rate of certain physical problems, such as obesity. For example, Asians and Africans are commonly known to be taller than Caucasians. It is these racial differences in height that explain the difference in the height chart between different nationalities.

What does this all mean to you? If you or someone you know is looking to get taller, or to lose a few inches, consider trying a new height reducing exercise regimen and eating properly. Also, understand that genetics and culture do not have a lot to do with your height. It is these other areas that you need to focus on.
