A Handmade Handbag is Only Limited by Your Knitting Palseness


For many fashionistas, sock blocks have become something of a signature look in the fashion world. In fact, for many non-womens, they can be downright bizarre! However, as they say, looks are always changing, and it is about time that sock blocking became more than just an accessory. If you have been looking for something different to add to your wardrobe, or if you want to show off your knitting skills, these handcrafted socks are just right for you.

First, letโ€™s talk about how sock blockers work: they usually attach to the underside of the socks, which keeps the ends loosely tied together so they donโ€™t come untied when you make the dreaded trek to the Laundromat. The sock blockers are usually made of wood or plastic and serve as an additional buffer zone between the fabric of the sock and the various other ingredients you may want to use in your knitted projects, like silk thread or garrons, among others. Because they keep the socks from getting too tangled together, not only do they look great, but they are also very functional.

Today, there are dozens of brands of sock blockers available. Some of them are made of special wood, while others are entirely made out of decorative plastic. You can use them in a variety of ways, including creating a scarf, a block behind the ears, a cuff for a sweater, or even a headband. They are available in a wide variety of colors and patterns, so you can find the right one to match your current knitting project. The best thing about these little objects is that once you start using them, you will never want to get rid of them again!
