A Fashion Trend Forecaster Job Description


A Fashion Trend Forecaster Job Description

If you are an avid enthusiast of fashion and all things fashionable then you may well have a good knowledge of the various fashion trends that occur throughout the world each year. This knowledge will of course be invaluable to you if you were to set out on your own career as a fashion-trend forecaster. Fashion is an ever revolving market that never sleeps and it’s for this reason that many people who dabble in this highly competitive industry often find themselves on the fringes of it every now and again. The job of a trend forecaster allows you to offer an independent assessment of the fashions that you have observed to shape the market and thus advise those whose opinion you most want to listen to.

You may fancy yourself as being able to forecast what particular styles may be seen in the coming year and thus give the people who employ you a useful head start. After all, you are only one person who has access to such information and it is important that you use your best judgment when formulating a forecast. Fashion is a very individual business and what may work for one person may not work for another. It therefore goes without saying that if you happen to pick up on any new style that is trendy for the moment, you must be prepared to be scrutinized by fashion-hungry media outlets.

This may indeed be a very exciting prospect for you considering that you can be the first to come up with a valid forecast of what is to be seen in the fashion scene. You will of course need to possess a good level of fashion sense and also be well versed in marketing theory and also in how the fashion industry operates. Many people find it extremely convenient to work in fashion since you do not really need to wear or do any selling yourself. You could for instance work in fashion publishing where your forecasting efforts may be used on a variety of publications geared at women and children.
