A Diverse Career


Have you ever noticed how amazingly similar Emmy Scarterfield’s resume looks to mine, even down to the last name of the Nationality and age of the person? I was watching her on MSN the other day and she was commenting on an interesting show about Nationality. She was quite correct in her comments and I’ve often wondered how many of my classmates have Nationality or are of a certain descent. In fact, I also recently had a discussion with another individual who was quite confused when I told him that I was born in Canada. I explained that I am a Canadian by birth and that I also go by my real name which is Neil.

The similarities between our resumes and Ms. Scarterfield’s are striking, but what makes people think that they are so similar? It would appear from her bio on MSN that she is a very organized person, that her professional goals include building strong networks, and mentoring others. Neil’s own Nationality is American, and he is described as having a strong work ethic, a love for children, and possessing a caring personality.

It’s possible that the Canadian accent that she speaks in the TV show is hereditary and that her accent has become more polished over the years. Her own words seem to describe what working in this particular profession entails, as it clearly describes what I do on a daily basis. If you were interviewing me, I would emphasize my love of children, network marketing, and building strong relationships with people. I believe that my answers would convince you that I possess the skills necessary to succeed in Network Marketing.
