A Controversial Celebrity


Natasha Kasatkina is a famous Russian-American celebrity, whose real name is Vasiliya Kasyua. She has been married to Vasiliya for 20 years and has two grown sons from that marriage. She is very close to her sons, born in America, and is said to consider them her sons in every way. They are her closest family, she says, even though they have never met faces of their father.

Natasha is a great personality. She knows her way around the media scene and knows how to set herself up for a good photo shoot. She has been known as a strong character in the acting community, and people who have worked with her have always given her high marks. Her Nationality: Russian is definitely clear, but she has no accent and looks great in photos. In fact, her face looks better in photos than most of the other characters in the Russian films I have seen.

After our photo session, I arranged for an interview with Natasha. I asked her if she had ever considered marrying a Russian man. She said no, but then she remembered how good her American husband was. She said that it would be wrong to marry a Russian now, since all of them are so good looking. I asked her what she thought about marrying a man in her age range, which was somewhere between thirty to forty years old.
