A Connection Between Spain’s National Art Festival and Anna Bocek


Painter Anna Bocek is one of few European artists who have combined Pop Art and sculpture to create powerful imagery that can only be described as soul stirring. Painting in Center for Contemporary Art, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw. Poet painter, national artist and teacher from Poland, Anna Bocek creates unique and often fantastical images with her subjects often recognizable to most people, themes and subject matter are almost always universal, for example: love, death, war, hope and so on. The most recent paintings she has produced along these themes have become highly sought after amongst artists and art collectors all over the world.

As a member of the “Warsaw Set” which was an artistic collective of artists and designers who established collectively designed architecture and cultural centre in the heart of Warsaw, Anna Bocek is able to take us into her own twisted world, of colour and light, sounds and movement. Painting in the tradition of modernist painters, Anna Bocek takes the viewer on an expedition into another dimension, one that constantly varies and shifts as each day passes. Painters such as Jan van Eyck, Paul Schimmelmann and Dieter Kohler are among the many pioneers who formed the” Warsaw Set” which later became known as the” Warsaw Group”. This was a group whose aim was to collectively design a large collection of buildings which were meant to represent a period of Poland’s history and culture. Among the buildings designed by the Warsaw group were: Castle Hill, Podhumelemi (The Tower), ghetto, Kielawski concentration camp, ghetto square and many others.

Now back to the question: “Is there a connection between Anna Bocek and Spain’s national art festival”? The answer is a resounding YES and one which has been substantiated by numerous art and cultural organisations and events in the UK, Spain and beyond. The combination of Bocek’s distinctive style, the engaging style and sense of humour that permeates each painting, and the long-standing links to the Spanish National Art Gallery, suggest a strong possibility that we may see a lot more of this great artist in the future. Are you waiting for Anna Bocek to come to your country?
