A Career With a Nationality


Caroline Knudsen was born in Denmark, the daughter of a Danish merchant family. She was actually raised to be a child first. But her true calling came as she became an adult and participated in all the different activities that are common for people in her situation, including riding and sailing. Her greatest achievements in this profession have been in raising her own son, Frederik, who is currently a well-known character artist and stand-up comedian for hire. Today, Knudsen lives in San Francisco, California and works with her son as well as a number of other well-known comedians and writers.

The reason that she chose this profession is that it allows her the kind of freedom that only someone who knows how to write about themselves can truly enjoy. For Knudsen, her identity as a writer is linked to her nationalities โ€“ she is a Dane and also Dutch, both of which mean that her skin and nationality are parts of what to give her those choices for her occupation and life. In this aspect of her life, her choice of writing is linked closely to the decisions she has made about her nationalities.

As a stand-up comedy writer, Knudsen has developed a career that is common for most comedians who have successfully forged successful careers outside of their native countries. For someone who considers herself to be neither too Danish nor very Dutch, being able to earn a living through writing has been a real gift. Being able to see the possibilities of making a living through writing while still keeping a national identity, helps Knudsen enjoy a career that many others in her situation would not have been lucky enough to enjoy. Now that she is approaching sixty years of age and considering a move to another country, this is the type of opportunity that a lot more people should look forward to.
