A Career in Sculpture


Caroline South had a great height and was popular as a performer in her day. She was known as the Queen of Jazz, a title that she received because of her talent for music. Though her own height did hinder her from being a singer and dancer in the early days, her Nationality gave her the opportunity to be part of an all white musical band which went on to fame and fortune. She went on to star in two movies that made her even more famous.

Now, her career is celebrated with a statue, book cover and by a line of clothing that are dedicated to her achievements. Her height and nationality were both significant factors behind her success. But other than that, it must be said that even with the support of her height and Nationality, success is not guaranteed. At times, these factors are in opposition with each other and it is really hard to predict how a person will go in their career.

Nowadays, the sculpted image of Caroline South is a product of modern technology. Designed by a person who has knowledge of many things, including art, this statue is made keeping in mind the fact that both height and nationality do come into play while creating an idol of sorts. Some people may shy away from such a dedication, saying that it is simply a show piece and that they do not have any political aspirations in life. However, such a person needs to understand that the statue of Caroline South is a very real representation of what her life could have led to.
