A Career in illustration โ€“ Angelica Liv


Angelica Liv is an artist from Panama City, who is originally from the Colombia side of the country. In her early years, she was an apprentice for Ignacio Ramirez, who specialized in cartoon illustrations. When he left the profession, she decided to pursue her own dreams and enter the comics industry where she has been doing freelance work ever since. She has created her own work and published it in comics, cartoon adaptations, as well as in various books and magazines dedicated to her art and her life. Most importantly, though, Angelica has managed to find success as an independent artist and has managed to create very successful careers for herself.

Angelica Liv is an illustrator now based in Berlin. Born in Colombia, she grew up mainly in a poor section of the city as her father suffered from a chronic disease. But her life was touched by tragedy when her mother was murdered at an early age; her brother was also left to live with his abusive alcoholic father, while Angelica had to stay home to look after her younger sister. She studied art in Bogor, Colombia, for three years, then moved to Germany, where she enrolled in the Academy of Art University, focusing on the visual and performing arts.

After graduation, however, Angelica Liv discovered that her visa to stay and work in Germany was not valid because she was not of the nationality associated with that of her birth, Colombia. She therefore needed to get a second passport in order to legally travel to her native country. After a lot of effort, she finally managed to secure the necessary papers, which allowed her to travel to Germany to continue pursuing her career there. Her husband, meanwhile, took care of the two girls while Angelica focused on completing her degree โ€“ specializing in the field of illustration.
