A Career in Fashion Design


Adriana Christianson is a famous model from the entertainment industry that was once a contestant on “The X Factor” in Australia as well as one in the United States. She has been compared to Alyssa Milano because of her tall height and now she is entering the field of print advertising with her own line of clothes, accessories, and perfume. While she has been successful in the modeling business she has never achieved success in the film industry, and although she has appeared in some films that are considered “blockbusters” she has not developed a following of fans like those of Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Lopez. This has led many to believe that she has failed as an actress while simultaneously not being able to develop a following of fans for herself.

What is clear from her resume and from her social media pages is that Adriana Christianson is a nationalities woman who is not particularly proud of her height. While she acknowledges that she is not a model with the ideal body type that many models are associated with, she seems to place importance on the perception of beauty that her peers have had. As she states, “I’m not blessed with height, I think it’s my fault that I’m not tall like Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, or Britney Spears.” Of course many people take issue with such a comment considering the fact that the majority of these celebrities are naturally blessed with attractive features regardless of their height. Still, others will be quick to point out that she did enter the movie industry at a time when women were more self-conscious about their appearance than they are today.

Adriana Christianson could benefit from further studies concerning her height. One could argue that she is simply a product of her times and the expectations placed upon them by her and other models. But does she really deserve the criticism? One could argue that she is merely a product of the times and that beauty should not be judged according to ability, but instead, beauty should be judged based on how it makes a person feel. Adriana Christianson has made a statement regarding her choice of a profession that many other models might choose as well. She has also managed to establish her own personal brand in the entertainment industry while simultaneously pursuing her career goals of being a fashion designer.
