A Book Review – “The Nationality File: An American Citizen’s Search For Identity and nationality” by Anna Ulcov


Anna Ulcov’s story is interesting and I am glad that I have a copy of her book, “The Nationality File: An American Citizen’s Search for Nationality and Identity,” to read. Anna Ulcov is an American citizen who was born in Uzbekistan. The reasons for this move include a desire to escape political and economic isolation, to visit a place where she has family and friends, and to escape the stress of her everyday life in America.

Anna Ulcov never expected to be a part of the problems that come with moving to a new country (in this case, Uzbekistan). This country, however, presents many problems ranging from economic to social and to even religious in nature. Although the author provides a detailed account of her circumstances in terms of her personal life and her attempts to adjust to her new surroundings, most of her focus is taken up with her search for answers concerning her heritage and national identity. This search takes Anna down a fascinating path that leads her to the threshold of understanding what exactly is behind the birth of her parents’ marriage in America and what her true citizenship is.

I enjoyed this book in that it provided an interesting glimpse into the often confusing territory of dual citizenship. By drawing comparisons between the life of Anna Ulcov and that of my own parents, I gained insight as to the ways that national and identity identities develop and change over time. Through the use of Anna Ulcov’s personal journals, I was able to follow in her footsteps as she struggled to understand both her American and Russian national identities. This memoir provides a unique window into the process of changing one’s mind, coming to terms with her birth country, and then ultimately embracing both her American and Russian national identities.
