A Biography of Abigail DuRant


Abigail DuRant was a British National, whose real name is Abigail Douglas. Aged 36 at the time of her death she became a US Naturalized citizen. Abigail DuRant had been a chef for many years and had studied at Le Cordon Bleu Culinary School in Paris before becoming a chef/owner of several restaurants and catering businesses. Prior, to her death she had also studied culinary arts at the London College of Fashion.

Abigail DuRant was born in Scotland and was described as being very loving and kind hearted. She had three children who are still living and one who is currently under adoption. Abigail had worked for several celebrity clients such as John Cleese, Bruce Willis, Barbara Streisand, Rod Stewart, and Linda McCartney.

After retirement from the commercial field she went into the administrative field in the United States Department of State and worked as an interpretative translator and communications advisor. Some sources indicate that DuRant may have married an American in order to support her son in his birth country. There is no documentary evidence to support this and therefore it is unverified. Some sources note that DuRant supported herself with writing. away, from the profession of being a translator.

DuRantโ€™s work was recognized internationally for many years and in France, her translated works were always displayed alongside the works of Jules Verne. Her American publisher, John Thomas Anderson, began publishing the popular Anabloc in 1924, one year before DuRantโ€™s death. It has continually sold well and is still being read today. Her other translated works include Mother Goose and Huckleberry Finn. Both of these are still very popular today and are often considered classics. Her honors throughout her life included induction into the Order of the British Empire, knighthood, and awards as a foreign affairs writer.
