A Beautiful Woman With a Career in Fashion


Recently the world has been introduced with the amazing and gorgeous Adriana Iakov. Born in Ukraine, Adriana was trained for her NED and EU nationality qualifications at age 14. It’s been revealed that she is now pursuing a degree at the renowned Kiev University, one of the leading European centers of higher learning. In fact, she is currently working towards a Masters Degree in International Business and is aiming to work as an investment banker for international conglomerates.

Now Adriana is aiming even further ahead; becoming the perfect European supermodel. Although she has a modest height and frame, she is also confident about her looks and has high levels of personality. She is already signed up for several modeling contracts and has also expressed her interest in entering politics, possibly the most lucrative career options open to a woman in her post-industrial revolution country. If she ever comes to power, she will be able to fulfill her ambitions and become a European equivalent of global supermodels such as herself.

In the past, models are usually associated with the advertising and marketing industries and the rich and famous. Adriana is however unique in that she has chosen to pursue a career in fashion. A career in fashion, naturally, would require a huge amount of capital and money, something that many models in Europe simply don’t have. Despite this, it has proved very lucrative for Adriana and she is definitely planning on using it to make a big break in her national sport.
