Age Difference Leads To Marriage Problems


Adriana R has been in the National Television Show, “Romantically Challenged” for seven seasons and will go to more if they are ever able to get their dream show, “Romantically Challenged” off the ground. The show is a tongue-in-cheek look at how many people really think they are unattractive or even stupid. For Adriana R, that could be a problem, considering she is the same height as Rachel Ray, has the same hair, and weighs the same. She has her support group, her friends, and even has a few things she likes to buy, but she is still looking for Mr. Right.

It’s easy to say you want someone of your own race, especially if you are white (since white folks are the majority in the United States), but what about your height? Is it too short for a Mr. Right? If your height is something that is making you feel like you are an alien, and someone is telling you that you don’t have what it takes to find a partner of your own race – well, let Adriana R knows that you are not alone. “Romantically Challenged” is not saying you aren’t beautiful or worthy of a partner; it’s simply saying that there are other options out there, and that you should look at them.

Adriana R has found love, and it was very unlikely; she fell into a relationship with a man thirty years her age – but that isn’t the point. The point is that she didn’t stop looking for him, and now when the opportunity arises he is available. Her message is quite clear: if you’re feeling frustrated because you feel like you are too short to find a partner of your own race – stop feeling that way! There are other options out there; you just need to know where to look.
