Personal Engagement Strategies for Artists


The Nationality and Age of the celebrity or influencer are critical when considering which relationship strategies to adopt for Adriana Boho. The two major aspects of personal branding that are vital in the representation of an authentic representation are authenticity and age. While authenticity is inherent in age and relationship strategies; however, there are also elements of the profession and influence that need to be considered for Adriana Boho as she attempts to navigate the celebrity/ Influencer relationship waters. As Adriana continually represents herself and her works within the new celebrity/ Influencer environment, keeping in mind these professional aspects of her identity are important in order to maintain her authenticity, as well as the integrity of the representation.

Age is the first facet of the profession that we consider when assessing a celebrity/influencer relationship strategy, as it is a reflection of both the age (in years) and influence of the celebrity or influencers. For Adriana Boho, age (which has been called “aged gracefully”) is key as she attempts to navigate the celebrity/influencer relationship waters. The publication of the Handbook provides detailed contact information on The Handbook, a credible online source for accessing celebrity and influencers contact information. Exclusive bespoke Influencer database offers you access to the complete direct contact information of Adriana Boho’s management team / publicist and / or personal representative details for high profile clients, and general details of their actual physical profession.

Height is another facet that requires consideration when assessing the personal representation of an artist, as this dimension represents the art industry vertical. The majority of the Bollywood musical geniuses have had diverse heights – but common ground in height for Bollywood entertainment is at around 6′ or slightly taller. However, height alone should not be used as a defining point of personal representation. Art and entertainment are subjective industries whose definition often varies across artistic cultures, professions and statuses. When evaluating a star as an influencer, it is important to understand the personal mediums of representation represented (or not represented). The proper assessment of a star as an artist relies on more than just their current occupation, but also the mediums of expression established over their lifetime, and the industry-wide trend towards new, bolder icons.
