Adriana Fernandez and the “Brilliant Skin” Formula


Adriana Fernandez is currently the top ranked American figure skater at the age of 32. She is a two-time Olympic bronze medalist and four-time world champion. With these Olympic and world titles, the curves in her body have been well known for some time now but, when it comes to an active role in the Figure skates world, the curves are still very much there. She is a very accomplished skater with years of experience and has worked hard to achieve the physique that she enjoys today.

When Adriana first decided to start working out and turn professional, she was unsure of her choice of working with Elite Fitness because she was primarily looking for her own benefits. Because of her natural ability to turn herself into a monster of a skater, she found that working with Elite Fitness was a great benefit to her but, it was not her choice. As an individual, with no one to push her into a particular mold, she was left to develop curves on her own. She was naturally a very tall woman and because of her lack of height, every company that she signed up for required her to increase her height. Even though she had been told that her height would be a plus to any company that she signed up with, that did not stop her from trying to increase her height.

Because of her lack of height, whenever Adriana went to a modeling agency, she was always told that she needed to add inches to her frame in order to look good or get a job. This made her extremely frustrated and, over time, she began to lose hope that she would ever be happy with her figure or her job. Eventually, her star was diminished by this constant pressure from agencies and employers. Adriana finally decided to take matters into her own hands and, with the help of her friend’s mother, started her own Figure skating career. Now, having returned to Elite Fitness as a trainer and consultant, she has learned that having the right knowledge and tools is the key to empowering yourself and achieving your goals.
