Alice Topps – Making Relationships Big With Identity Cards


Alice Topps has created a fun and creative way to teach kids about Nationality. The set is very colorful with an adult and a child version of each of the 50 States. There are many things you can learn about being a member of a certain Nationality, such as how the States used to form the Union, how different states have different names, how the States are divided into what we call wards, and how each state represents its interests. All of this information will help children better understand why they should care about their citizenship and how they can show their pride in being a member of the American Nationality.

The cards also give children interesting information about personality traits. For example, a card that talks about the personality trait of the candidate for President of the United States might talk about his ambition, vision, and leadership skills. On the other hand, if a card depicts someone who is an outgoing, friendly person, the personality trait might be more centered on being outgoing and friendly. Another great feature of the deck is the way each State is divided up. Each card features one or two of the fifty States, giving children instant visual feedback about the people living in those States.

By being able to look at the relationship cards and see all the details about each Nationality, children can learn much about how those relationships work, what they mean, and how to show their pride in being a member of their Nationality. In addition, being able to learn about these relationships gives children a fun understanding about how they, too, can develop friendships and relationships. By teaching kids about Nationality, they also help them create friendships with others who have the same interests and values. As they grow older, children are already well acquainted with their own identity, but by being introduced to all of the details and secrets about Nationality, they can develop even stronger bonds with everyone around them.
