Adriana Queiroz – Height Is Right For You!


Adriana Queiroz is an accomplished writer and speaker who has also written several books on health, nutrition, self-development and the relationship between our bodies and our spirit. She has spent decades training both as a practicing Reiki master and a herbal practitioner in ancient medicine. Her many publications on the subjects of Reiki and herbalism are well received throughout the herbal therapy community, as are her popular teleseminar sessions on the subject. Her book, A Natural Approach to Age Defying Beauty, is widely regarded as the standard reference work on the subject by modern practitioners of the arts and sciences. Her writing on the subject has also been featured in magazines including Men’s Health, Self Magazine, Town and Country, InStyle, Redbook, Seventeen, More Magazine, Child’s, Shape, Brides and others.

If you’re concerned about your height, there are many things you can do to correct it. One thing that has worked for many women who are concerned about their height is to get up and move! If you are constantly trapped in one position or another due to having less than desirable legs, then there’s no better way to see a difference than to get up and take action! The good news is that the most effective method of increasing your height is simply adding more height. This doesn’t include surgery or having some sort of device to put in your body, although those options do work for some women.

I recommend using natural methods of increasing your height – i.e., not trying to “bulk up” with some kind of risky device or surgery. As Adriana states in her book, you don’t need to be a super tall woman to have good posture and great figure. Being tall does not mean having large breasts or a huge butt either. And unfortunately neither does it mean being small! Being comfortable and happy with your height is really about making conscious choices and taking small incremental steps. By choosing the right height enhancing method(s) – such as Yoga, Tai Chi or Pilates, you will be well on your way to Taller Success.
