A Famous Canadian Celebrity – Adriana Leon


Adriana Leon was born in Mississauga, Ontario on October 2, 1992, the youngest of three children of Nigerian Parents. The talented Canadian Nationality Playmaker has been active in soccer since childhood, playing for the Under-13 and Under-16 Youth Teams as well as for the Canadian Women’s National Team. She has earned a number of caps for Canada at both the senior and youth levels. Currently, the Canadian Nationality Playmaker is single.

Adriana Leon has played quite a bit of football at a national level, but did not start playing until her teens. Now that she is an adult, she looks on the shoulders of giants in the women’s game and not so much on the arms. She stands at just over 5 feet and weighs in at a solid 190 pounds, quite a bit larger than what the average female football player would weigh. Her height is not a major concern, but being a professional on the national team and the chance to represent Canada is definitely a huge plus.

Leon currently holds a Canadian citizenship and is of African descent, having come to live in Canada since adolescence. She is tall, thin with a nice frame, and has a nice yet athletic build, which helps with her ability to defend well and score goals. She has an athletic build, but has the ability to bulk up as well, working hard to get back into good shape after injuries that kept her from training with the senior team. She is listed at the weights over 65kg, so adding on some lean body mass is possible, which could greatly improve her Net Worth.
