Rock Climbing Shoes – Do You Really Need Rock Socks With Shoes?


Rock Climbing Shoes – Do You Really Need Rock Socks With Shoes?

When it comes to the debate over which is better for climbing – socks with climbing shoes or climbing boots, opinions can vary a lot. In fact, there is often no middle ground. You either must use socks with climbing shoes or use nothing at all. The reason for this is not that simple. There are a number of factors that have been put forward as being conclusive proof that socks with climbing shoes do more harm than good when it comes to climbing.

First of all, what you are actually doing when you wear socks with rock climbing shoes is applying a weight of pressure to your feet, particularly your toes. It’s widely accepted that rock climbing shoes are constructed with your feet in mind and this means that socks are in effect used as a sort of foot warm, which helps to constrict blood circulation to your feet. As a result, it’s widely known that excessively tight climbing socks didn’t improve performance for the same reasons that poorly fitting ones did – they didn’t increase mobility and so, the view of mountaineers changed. Socks with rock climbing shoes can make your feet feel tired and sore and can also make them look tired and sore. So, if you’re going up a hill, mountaineering, hiking or climbing, it is probably worth getting a pair of socks anyway, just so you know your feet will be feeling and looking good.

Another problem with socks with climbing shoes is that they don’t allow your feet to breathe. Your feet need to get some air. When you are wearing a pair of rock climbing shoes with socks attached, this doesn’t happen. The sock has closed in around your heel, restricting air circulation and causing your feet to sweat. This not only causes discomfort when it’s time to climb, it also means that you are going to be ingesting body fluids when you are up on that ladder.
