Wearing Compression Socks at Night


Socks and sleeves can help to improve sporting performance and prevent more serious conditions like varicose veins, edema and swelling. So can wear compression socks at night really help to improve sporting performance? Yes, of course, why wouldn’t they? Wearing high quality compression socks in the hours before you train and compete will dramatically improve blood flow throughout the body, greatly improving your chances of success.

There are many different types of socks with varying levels of compression levels, which are suitable for various sporting events, depending on the condition of your legs and feet. A high quality sock, designed specifically for your legs and feet, will provide a highly flexible bandage-like layer which covers the leg or foot, whilst also assisting the body’s circulation. The ideal range for an individual with circulation problems is around three quarters of an inch to half an inch; anything lower than this will result in poor blood flow and circulation, which can reduce your performance considerably. Compression socks work by compressing the skin, increasing the skin’s flexibility and ability to contract, which then increases the amount of blood that can circulate through your legs, increasing muscle and skeletal tissue oxygenation. Wearing them whilst sleeping is the best way to maximise their effect.

Compression socks should be worn at the same time each day and not just before training or exercising as they will decrease blood flow and increase muscle swelling, a common problem for athletes. The amount of compression needed will be determined by the person and the severity of their problem. Muscle and tissue swelling will decrease the blood flow, ultimately reducing the amount of blood flowing to the legs, reducing the pressure put on them and causing the veins to widen. These are the main causes of shin splints.
