Socks With Face on It – Why Fashion Is Not Necessarily The Most Important Part Of A Game


Socks With Face on It – Why Fashion Is Not Necessarily The Most Important Part Of A Game

We all know that socks with face on it are very popular these days. I remember seeing the commercial the other day and thinking how strange it was to see an alien wearing socks with face on it, but hey, it’s a commercial, anyone can make a commercial any time they want to. Besides, who really thinks that this is some sort of original artwork? I mean, come on, it’s clearly a retard just trying to pull in people with stupid commercials. There are some really talented people that draw people with faces on their socks; I’m not sure if they are as good as autistic people, but they sure look more intelligent than a normal person drawing something or someone else’s nose.

Anyway, back to the socks with face on it; do these people actually believe what they’re saying that they have made homing algorithm ghosts that travel through no-time, past, present, and future? Or are they just making crap up so they can sell it to the general public? I’ve heard some pretty disturbing things from people that work at places like Game Stores. They tell you that they have ghosts that roam the aisles of the games and get stuck in people’s pockets, or sometimes they will grab your pocket and pull you into their ghostly world. That’s definitely not some freaky game designer.

I think the general public just needs to know better about these sock creatures. Don’t they need to understand how retarded are the people that make these games? These games are supposed to be entertaining for seven-year-olds, but instead they are causing retardation because of stupid sock designs. So, I am going to make a statement that says I don’t believe these are the best games ever made, and I don’t want to buy anymore of these games either. Go away people with your face on socks.
