The History of the Sock Maker


The History of the Sock Maker

So what exactly is a sock maker? Well, technically speaking it’s not really a machine per se, but more of a process whereby a sock is knitted from start to finish in such a way that the end result looks aesthetically appealing. But ask any professional sock maker, to truly define sock technology, it’s actually a very real technological advancement – and it’s all to do with complex knitting machines being capable of knitting finer and more delicate material into clothing items such as socks. Today’s machines are also able to blend different fabrics and merge it with other materials to create new textures and patterns, improved colors and patterns, and warmer socks for colder weather.

The technology of knitting larger areas of fabric into socks using circular movements has actually been around for a long time, it’s just taken the wool industry and made it a commercial item instead of a private product. A few decades ago, men would buy a simple pair of socks, probably a cotton blend, in order to wear around as their everyday shoes. As the sock business became more competitive, manufacturers began mass-producing socks using Merino wool as the core fabric. These days anyone can walk into their local department store and pick up a nice pair of socks (or even nicer, pair of slacks) and buy themselves a nice pair of socks. This has become a popular fashion choice as people love to wear nice socks.

Sock makers have also added the option of mixing different wool fibers together to produce socks with a more wool blended appearance. They may mix wool, cotton, nylon, or synthetic materials together to produce a thicker, softer, sock fabric. Today, some socks are produced from 100% wool, and others are made from a blend of these types of materials. Basically, a sock maker mixes wool and other materials to make the perfect combination to suit the wearer’s personal preference.
