Best Socks For Smelly Feet


Best Socks For Smelly Feet

If you have smelly, sweaty feet, you need to know the best socks for smelly feet. I know what it’s like – you come home from work, you spend the whole day at work, and when you get home you’re drenched in sweat. You try to wear some jeans but they make your feet smell even worse. Your best solution is to wear some cute socks that cover up all of those smells, but they don’t look sexy. Luckily, I’ve found the best socks for smelly feet.

Wool socks are great because they are super absorbent and super soft, which helps a lot because the wool acts as a super absorbent. This makes it super easy to clean your feet in the morning. It also dries super fast, which is perfect if you’re trying to get out of work as fast as possible and you need to dry your feet quick. The only downside is that wool is not the most comfortable, but then again, there are plenty of comfortable socks out there – why choose wool?

Nylon socks are another great option for people with stinky feet because they too absorb moisture extremely well. They are very breathable, which is nice because some odors actually smell stinky! However, nylon doesn’t go to far and so you can’t really go to extreme and get that odor completely eliminated. Some people may be turned off by the idea of sacrificing comfort just to be able to get rid of that odor. But I would say that both nylon and wool are really great options for anyone who wants to get rid of that foot odor, without sacrificing comfort.
