Ultra-Fresh – A Revolutionary Fashion Statement


Ultra-Fresh – A Revolutionary Fashion Statement

An anti odor sock is an anti-microbial solution that is designed to absorb and inhibit the growth of odor producing bacteria. It is specifically designed to work in conjunction with a quality pair of white cotton socks and an anti-bacterial finish. An anti odor sock offers a wide range of benefits when it comes to cleaning and hygiene in relation to footwear. By using these socks regularly you will find yourself wearing them more often than before, because they are so effective at controlling unpleasant odors that are in any given area in your home or office. The anti odor socks work by attaching to the inside of the shoe or boot with Velcro straps or other secure fastening methods, and then draw the moisture away from the foot and into the sock itself, where it can then be eliminated through evaporation.

The main benefit to using an anti-odor sock as opposed to an untreated sock is that the socks will prevent the unsanitary conditions that are caused by unperfumed shoes and boots. Unsterilized shoes and boots create an environment where bacteria breeds rapidly due to the lack of oxygen. These bacteria cause a number of health problems, including respiratory tract infections, boils and abscesses, and a wide array of skin infections as well. By wearing an anti-odor sock on a regular basis you will be eliminating the breeding grounds for these unwanted bacteria and helping to keep your feet healthy. Another benefit to be had from these socks is the reduction of odor that can be caused by other types of foot gear.

As, well as the health benefits, there are also aesthetic benefits to consider when looking for a pair of anti-odor socks. Many people prefer the soft feel and subtle appearance of ultra-fresh. They offer exceptional comfort and support, helping to prevent tired and cracked feet. With the various brands and styles available you should easily find a pair that is just right for your taste.
