Irish Finches – Nyjer Seed Socks


Irish Finches – Nyjer Seed Socks

The Thistle Sock, also known as a “Thistle Flower” by the Irish, is a piece of art. Many people have commented on how the color and the way the thistle grows add character to the bird’s appearance, or how it gives the bird an old world, antique look, or how it reminds one of Ireland. This particular sock features a red bottom and white at the tip. Many people who know nothing about the Irish, or the art of Irish clothing, have commented that the color and material are reminiscent of the history of the thistle.

As an art form, the Thistle Sock has been around for thousands of years. One of the most famous works by an Irish artist, Joseph Bruchac, was inspired by a visit to his grandmother, who in that day was a gardener. A type of thistle called “brucic acid,” which is still found in many of the plants on this planet today, was found in the flowers that her grandmother had grown, and when she removed the flowers from the plants, she determined that she would make a beautiful work of art.

In his painting, he combined the colors of red and yellow, typically associated with Irish culture, with the seeds of the newer plant. This plant has been found in gardens all over Ireland, and many believe that it originally grew on a large mountain near Galway, where many of the world’s water birds nest. When he finished the painting, this artist decided that he would make a series of paintings that would depict the birds, and the seeds of the newer plant. Today, many people display these paintings on their walls and use a thistle sock to decorate the artwork.
