Why You Should Buy a Pink Sock Monkey


Why You Should Buy a Pink Sock Monkey

This article is a chronicle of the rise and fall of the pink sock monkey from obscurity to cult status. Fashion blogs, magazines, celebrity blogs, and Internet forums have been consumed by the quest for the perfect sock monkey gift. Of course, none of these gifts make a good gift for anyone, but some people seem to be especially obsessed with this odd looking animal that has become their latest fashion trend. I believe that we are witnessing the rise of the duchess of sock monkey fashion.

The duchess of the pink sock monkey, as it is sometimes called, is a virtual fashion goddess for the British royalty. Queen Elizabeth II personally selected this unusual item for her granddaughter, just before her granddaughter was formally welcomed into the royal household. The duchess lives in England, but she travels frequently to visit her sister and granddaughter in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Because of her busy royal schedule, it was impossible for the duchess to visit any of her granddaughter’s new countries, but she made special arrangements to attend the Royal Wedding of her granddaughter Princess Beatrice of York. Princess Beatrice’s husband, Prince Philip, was not present at the Royal Wedding, but he was very generous and let the duchess take the opportunity to take a peek at the newest member of the royal family, the lovely pink sock monkey.

Many other members of the royal family and high government officials also have been known to have worn pink sock monkeys during official state occasions. It seems that this whimsical creature and its bright color have become a symbol of youth, energy, and happiness, just as the original pink sock monkey has been associated with youth, vigor, and happiness. The latest version of this creature is no different in looks or in purpose than the popular stuffed monkey that was so beloved years ago. It has the same round eyes, the same oversized head, and the same mischievous attitude. Now the pink sock monkey is finally here to stay, and it is certain to become popular among children, grandchildren, and current royalty alike.
