How Dirty is the Air Conditioner?


Dirty Sock Syndrome (DSS) usually smells like a Locker Room, and isn’t a very nice smell at all. This is particularly true if you are getting air conditioning. You can imagine the problems that can arise from getting air conditioners working in a locker room that smells like urine. If you have ever been in a locker room that has had DDS, then you know what I’m talking about. Most people will tell you that they haven’t gone into one of these locker rooms during their life and have felt the stench of the urine that pours out onto the floor.

So why does this happen? Many have suggested that it happens on newer air conditioners because the aluminum used in modern coil systems may be less porous than that used on older models. Another reason may be that dirt and other small particles get trapped within the motor and as a result the airflow becomes restricted. Whatever the case, it doesn’t take long for dirty sock syndrome to cause serious problems, such as the leaking of coolant and causing the motor to overheat. In order to prevent problems with dirty sock syndrome and to stop AC repair from being necessary, you should make sure to keep your air conditioner running as best as possible.

The easiest way to prevent dirty AC repair is to make sure that you clean your indoor coil completely dry. You should never clean your coils with anything other than a dry cloth or a very clean damp rag. By doing so, you will help to ensure that the air flow remains unrestricted and the unit itself remains safe and secure. However, sometimes even with your indoor coil completely dry, small amounts of dirt and dust can still become trapped in the motor and cause it to overheat. In this case it is advisable that you simply open up the case and clean away any debris or dirt inside it – and if there is an obvious problem, then you should contact a local HVAC technician to have the unit serviced for you.
