How Hotronic Socks Work To Improve Your Footwear Comfort And Maintain A Cool Environment


Hotronic Socks is an innovative new kind of sock that is worn in the same way as your normal socks. The main difference being that these are a type of sock with what appears to be a “heater” built into the sock, which warms the toes and encourages blood flow throughout the legs and feet. So, when you are feeling cold, you simply put on a pair of these socks and enjoy all the benefits and no added work. In fact, there are even times that I have used my own pair to keep warm while I was shoveling snow, because you can’t really get much else going when your feet and legs are frostbitten!

The real breakthrough with Hotronic socks is that they are produced with the most advanced thermostatic mixing technology ever developed. This means that the temperature is controlled precisely for each pair of socks, so that each pair’s heating element receives equal amounts of heat from a battery pack similar to the one that powers the majority of traditional wool socks. Each pair has a pair of batteries that are encased in their own small pouch that keeps them from discharging and causing excessive heat buildup. If the heating element gets a power surge, the battery immediately recharges and your socks are heated back up just like they were the first day.

As with all heat pump socks, the Hotronic brand also allows you to control the amount of heat that it provides through the use of a special foot sensor. Simply place your foot inside the specially designed foot box and the foot sensor will detect if your foot’s temperature increases above a pre-set threshold. Once you do, the heat pump activates and provides you with plenty of cool air. In addition to battery packs, the manufacturer also offers standard nylon sock welt, microfiber fabric, and polyester fabric in several attractive styles.
