Circular Sock Machine


You’re looking for a circular sock machine (CSM), but yet so far have not found one in your attic or basement? Some people are fortunate enough to inherit a family heirloom and other folks lucky enough to get one, but then most of all, where to begin? Well, take this short quiz, it’ll help you find the perfect circular sock machine that meets your needs and budget! Also, you can use this same type of quiz to identify other items you might be looking for as well!

What’s an ordinary circular sock machine made out of? A lot of people choose not just a plain wooden frame with metal fittings because they are so resistant to damage, but also because it allows for more versatility in terms of what type of projects you can work on with it. The basic types of materials that a CSM is made from are wood and plastic, though sometimes, depending on what type of machine you have, it may be made of more materials. Some examples of other materials you may find used in a CSM include metal, leather, and other synthetic materials. The outer protective shell is usually a polyurethane, which is then covered with a UV laminate.

You will notice that most circular sock machines use needles for knitting socks. This is due to the fact that knitting needles are typically covered by the outer protective layer. In other words, when you purchase a CSM, it will come with knitting needles, and ribbons, among other things. A good way to identify the actual size of the knitting machine is to utilize the “one-size-fits-all” rule. If you find a smaller or larger version advertised, make sure you know the difference between the sizes because they are usually very different.
