American Trench Socks – A Fashion Trend To Follow


American Trench socks are a pair of wool socks specifically made to be worn in the trenches. These are extremely durable and hard wearing socks which have the ability to cope with the hostile terrain and yet still maintain their appearance even when they are put through very harsh conditions. The wool fibres in these socks are handpicked so as to have the right strength, softness and absorbency and are thus the best available sock material. They are also treated using the wool fibres of hogs with the goal of keeping them moisture resistant, absorbent and thus able to last much longer than ordinary socks. There are no chemicals used to help keep them clean either.

As trench shoes gained popularity and became extremely popular amongst the military, so did the American Trench sock. In the early days these shoes were worn by British army officers as well as common men. Initially these shoes had very poor laces and straps but gradually improved with time and were adopted by the American army as well. They were then used by the British Grenadiers in Vietnam War. They made a great fashion statement for both men and women alike and were even worn by the famous rock group Kiss. They were even featured on one episode of TV’s 60 Minutes II along with other celebrities.

When the US soldiers returned from the First World War, they brought their fashionable footwear back with them and they stuck with it. These boots were designed to withstand the environments as well as war zones and thus remained popular and in demand for decades. Today these boots are popular once again and can be seen being worn by men, women and children alike. They are often bought as a pair of shoes to complement an outfit, but can also be bought to wear alone if one so desires. These socks are a fashion trend that will not fade and are sure to keep coming back as long as people continue to like fashion trends.
