Fashionable Pug Socks


In this fashion-forward society, you would think that only pugs and huskies were the only pets with fashion tendencies; you’d be wrong! Fashionistas around the world now include pug fashion in their list of must-haves. You may be surprised at how many other breeds of dogs have become stylish. With your pug’s increasing popularity, you’ll surely be amazed at how many different pug clothing and accessories are now available.

If you want to make your pug stand out from the crowd, there are now pug socks and pug shoes, and cute pug clothing and accessories to boot. Fashion designers all over the world are now making special commissions from selling these fashionable fashions for your adorable little pup. Even more surprising, prices have become extremely reasonable as fashion boutiques cater to the increasing demand for unique and designer dog clothes. The average cost for pug socks for males is $9.50 per pair, while new pug socks from Ssensei are priced at just $15.

With the high-fashion trends currently dominating the pet fashion industry, it was only a matter of time before similar items were made for female dogs. With the introduction of pug fashion accessories like badges, collars, and leashes, your dog will be the fashionista of the block, ready to show off her dashing look to everyone she knows! There is even a line of designer “breeder” apparel available now that are made especially for female dogs. These apparel come in everything from shirts, blouses with ribbons or stars, sweaters, and even hooded sweatshirts with pug logos. Shop around for the perfect pug fashion accessory to accentuate your dog’s new look.
