Prosthetic Socks – Best Tips for Using Them


Prosthetic Socks, also known as stump stockings or stump boots, are a key component of many prosthetic, surgical systems. They give the wearer the appearance of having a natural foot with no noticeable differences from the wearer’s own foot. They are intended for a variety of medical conditions and for different lengths of time. Socks are made from a variety of materials and are often colored to match a patient’s prosthetic. The goal of this article is to assist you in determining which prosthetic sock will be best suited for your particular needs and find great new varieties of prosthetic socks.

To start off with, there are four main types of prosthetic socks; leather, spandex, neoprene, and silicone. Each type of material is composed of its own unique properties that offer a variety of benefits depending on the situation. One benefit of using prosthetic socks is that they will usually blend in with the body’s surroundings. This means that the wearer will not have to worry about any noticeable difference that their prosthesis makes with their existing wardrobe.

One of the primary uses for prosthetic socks is as a test socket fitting support. Socks used as support material for the testicles are specially designed to fit comfortably over the patient’s own toes. Patients suffering from Peyronie’s disease, a genetically inherited connective tissue disorder, use them to reduce discomfort as well as increase pain relief. When a patient has a significant amount of back pain associated with their condition, testicle supports can also be utilized as an option to relieve pressure on the abdomen that comes with the condition. Anyone suffering from a limb impairment, diabetes, spinal cord injury, or other condition that limits their mobility should consider utilizing support material for their feet to provide the greatest amount of comfort.
