The Fashion Trends of the 1990s


The Fashion Trends of the 1990s

Fashion trends in the 90s were defined by a dramatic return to the minimalist style, in stark contrast to the bright and flashy styles of the previous decade. Minimalists like Florence Knoll, Kate Spade and minimalists like John Galliano and Donatella Versace brought a new light to women’s clothing. The minimalist look was especially appealing because it was both comfortable and fashionable, a feat that the designers had never accomplished before. The lines and the colors of clothing were clean, light and bright, a break from the bright colors and patterns of the past.

During this decade, women also began to wear less expensive, easier to care for clothing that was still structurally sound. A trend that seemed to emerge as part of this movement was a shift toward floral print dresses. Floral print dresses could be worn with so many different looks, it was easy to find a dress that could be adapted to different outfits and still keep a classic look. One example of this was a full-length dress worn with an ethnic print top that still had the frills of the dress but incorporated more flowers. Women could wear this dress to work, school or just out for the evening and still get the same effect that they would get from a floral print dress in a smaller size.

During the late 1990s, women’s fashion trends took a turn for the bolder. designers once again turned to bold colors and unique prints in order to make a statement. Again, designers were able to adapt their designs to women’s needs and fit in with women’s fashion in a way that previous fashions never could. Another advantage to fashions worn during this decade was that designers were able to incorporate unique fabrics that were not common place to other fashions. These fabrics gave women a look that was all their own; it was trendy, comfortable and bold and women flocked to have these designs.
