Who Sets Fashion Trends Today?


Who Sets Fashion Trends Today?

It is interesting to note in the wake of all the hand wringing and criticism over what they call the soulless style of politics in the United States and the West, that somehow we have to ask who sets fashion trends today? There has been a lot of discussion on certain fashion magazines, which seem to be entirely driven by politics rather than what is trendy. One of the current hot topics is body jewelry. While the whole industry is reeling from the recent economic crisis, some industries are doing just fine. The fashion world however, has taken a turn for the worse when a bunch of rock stars were caught red handed in their unethical ways to promote a new line of glitzy bracelets made from plastic.

With each passing day it seems that someone new has come out with an idea for a new and “in” fashion trend. Who sets fashion trends? Some say it is the consumer and others would say the media, with some sort of bias towards those in the media that report on these things. Whom ever is right may be irrelevant one day to the next depending on who you ask. With so many different opinions it is hard to say that trends are set by anyone other than the consumer who can make or break any given fashion statement.

If one is to take it at face value then it would appear that whoever sets the fashion trends is the consumer. As the media portrays who is in and who is out in the fashion world. It seems as if fashion trends are decided by the powers that be rather than anything else. So, who sets fashion trends? We will probably never know the answer to that unless one decides to do some digging for the answer.
