White Girl Fashion Trends


In this article I will discuss why I feel that generic college girls are not sexy, what white girl fashion trends she should be involved in, and why I think generic white girls named Bribery are not hot. All this will be based on my experience as a college student. You see, not too long ago, in high school a friend of mine who is half white started dating a black guy, because he was half white and half Asian. This is when he started saying stuff about how he could not understand why all the white girls were always so upset with the less than perfect guys, and how he wanted to date one of them. Needless to say my friends were upset, and thought he was a piece of trash. This is when I started thinking generic white girl names and what they really say about her.

All this brings me to four white girl fashion trends that I have serious questions about, and what they really mean to the white girl named Bribery. I call this trend the “Bribery Trend” because it makes the white girls look really cheap and desperate. To be fair, there are some good white girl fashion trends that have been developed over the last few years. Namely: Skinny Jeans and Body hugging tops. These styles are sexy and will make you look great, but are they really in demand?

I think white girls are in demand for more than just good-looking clothes, they need good looking trends. This is all the things I have mentioned in this article. It has been proven that generic college girls are not hot, they are no where near as sexy as the models that we see in fashion magazines. White girl fashion trends are what they should be based around, because if the trends are hot, more people will buy them, more people will be able to wear them, and more people will look at them. If they are not hot, no one will want to wear them. That’s why generic college girls clothing are not quite as hot as they used to be, because the white girls that are in fashion now are not nearly as good looking as the models that they see in the magazines, so they need a new look.
