What Were the Fashion Trends For Women in the 1920s?


What Were the Fashion Trends For Women in the 1920s?

The question as to what were the fashion trends for women in the 1920s is a tough one to answer as even today things have changed and women do not have to look back on those long years to find fashion. It is true that in those long years women did try to copy what their neighbours and friends wore but they also took an interest in what was fashionable and different. If it happened that they fell in love with a piece of clothing that was way out of the norm then naturally they would show it off to others. Men were no less interested in what were the fashion trends for women in the 1920s and were as passionate about trying new fashions.

Of course when we speak of what were the fashion trends for women in the 1920s there are many other aspects to it. For example fashions change depending upon the time of year, certain fashions are suited to particular seasons or certain types of occasions. Certain trends become all the rage only for a short period of time and then fall out of favour entirely. For example high heels became a big trend in the spring and summer months, only to be replaced by stilettos in the autumn months. Therefore it would be impossible to say that one particular fashion became popular for a definite length of time.

There was one thing that was consistent in all the fashions which were the bold patterns, vibrant colours and designs. In fact fashions for women in the 1920s were far more colourful and energetic than they have ever been before. Anything from feathered hats to feathers were worn and each outfit was a work of art. They reflected the times and were unique to their owners. They had their own sense of individuality and that is something that has not really been prominent in the designs of fashion for many years. Fashion for women has always been more about individualism than what looks good on others.
