Modern Fashion Trends for Walls Made of Velvet


Modern Fashion Trends for Walls Made of Velvet

The velvet touch fashion trends for walls is a fashion design trend that shows itself with elegant fabrics and a touch of sophistication. The trend started in the nineteen seventies with pin-up girls and took on a chic and elegant look to fit in with the times and to catch the eyes of their male counterparts who were then drawn to these glamorous women. The French accentuated the look with ruffles and ribbons in delicate patterns. Today, the same look has evolved and there are new designs that offer a more modern flair to the walls that are usually covered with velvet.

It’s interesting to note that these fashion trends for walls were a response to pin-up girls. The Gothic look was popular at the time and so were the dark colors and this trend really took off with the Victorian era and then went right into the twentieth century. These fashions have always been popular and are still very much a thing today. However, the lines and designs have evolved so that they are now more wearable and are suitable for most ages.

To really complete the look, make sure that your walls are properly decorated and there are lots of accessories to go along with the theme. Remember to add pillows with frills or stuffed animals to dress up the walls. You can add artworks like pictures of roses and butterflies to enhance the overall feel. A nice scarf or a blanket that you find with a cute scene on it, could be perfect. You can also find various velvet touch fashion accessories to complete the look.
