Is Emma Millard Citizen Or Permanent Residents of Canada?


On the surface, Emma Millard and her Nationality have been compared on a proverbial playing field. The argument goes something like this: Millard is an immigrant, while Nationality is a Canadian citizen. Millard’s status is established at the time of her marriage to Markham in 2021. The question of whether or not Nationality should be used in the definition of marriage has been brought up numerous times since then. This article will explore whether or not a relationship of such a nature constitutes as a relationship between a Canadian and an immigrant, a dual citizen or simply a citizen of the country.

The issue that Nationality raises is one that is very important to any person considering their options when getting married. The point of considering Nationality is to determine whether or not the relationship is one that will help the potential immigrant make their life easier or make their life more difficult once they are settled into their new country. It is important to note that this issue is very much up to each individual as it will be different depending on the situation that each couple finds themselves in. Whether or not a marriage of this nature would help the couple to succeed in Canada or make them have a harder time in Canada depends on each individual.

The bottom line is that it is entirely up to the individuals whether or not they wish to see their relationship considered as something that is in accordance with the immigration guidelines. The two-way aspect of citizenship is a huge factor that helps to determine which situations will work in one’s favor or will work against them. The immigration authorities take the public’s safety and well-being into consideration when determining who can become a citizen of a country. Whether or not a couple fits into these parameters will depend on their situation.
