Emma Seppl – An Introduction to the Famous German Meditation Masteress


The first and only show of this great drama” Emma S. Seppl” is directed by Polish director, Pawel Bojakowski and the first episode is entitled as “Nystorie”. The story of the show centers on the life of a Polish National, Emmelie Janka, who at the beginning of World War II as a young woman tries to hide her nationality from her German husband and goes to live with her cousin in Manhattan. Here Emmelie develops strong psychological ties with her cousin and develops an intense relationship that is based on respect, trust and guilt. However, when her strict mother refuses to accept her marriage, Emmelie must travel to New Zealand where both her parents still live, and she becomes a part of the Jewish community there.

The second episode of Emma Seppl concentrates on her relationship with her half-brother, Anton. Here we find out that Anton has developed a strong hatred for her due to the behavior of her mother, however, Anton’s transformation and the help of a mentor named Moshe (Charnas) open up a painful path for Emma Seppl. In addition, in this episode of “Emma Seppl”, mindfulness meditation practice is recommended by the religious figures in order to open the heart. As the series continues, we discover more about other members of the Seppl family. It is also revealed that Emmelie has developed intimacy problems with her husband in regard to the marriage, while her daughter Anna tries to encourage her towards openness and love.

The third episode “Emma Seppl” introduces the concept of mantras. The importance of mantras can be seen from the words of the song by Achy Obejas: “Keep a necklace on your neck and a ring in your hand/ Keep a prayer beside you at all times/ Open your heart, open your mind.” Through the use of mantras, we are reminded to take time out to think of things that we would like to say to God or talk to our loved ones. Through repeated practice of meditation practice such as breathing in, breathing out, and mantra meditation, we are able to connect to our higher power.
