Overview of Emma Toth


Emma Toth was born in Ireland. Her birthplace is described as a small fishing village named Driffield. It has been suggested that she may have been born in Scotland, however her birth certificate does not list a place of birth. She may not have been born in Ireland either, because one of her sisters was from Cochin and was considered to be of Irish descent.

Toth is one of the famous first female scientists, an individual who made great contributions in the area of chemistry and physiology. Her scientific work helped to establish the rules for how plants and animals grow and develop while in relation to their surroundings. This marked a milestone in the history of botany and even helped to define the word “life”. However, Emma Toth did not stop with merely being the first female scientist, as she went on to publish many books and articles on botany and grew to be quite popular throughout the entire world.

Emma Toth is one of many who have written about being interracial or multi-racial in today’s world. However, many people are not comfortable with being such, as society still thinks of such individuals as belonging to one race or another. Not only do some people want to be one race, but they want to fit into a certain nationality or culture. Emma Toth fits into this category, as she has been defined by her nationalities throughout her life. There are many out there who want to marry someone of the same race or nationality, but are unsure if they will ever get their chance to fulfill their dream.
