Who is Emma Topp?


The Winner: Emma Topp has been idolized by so many young teens around the globe. She has had an amazing amount of success in the online world as a social media personality. After partnering up with Semester from Sea, her channel took off. Within a year it was topping the charts in the UK. Now with her partner James Cordle she has brought back the magic in the videos that she makes and uploaded them for free to YouTube.

Nationality: Emma Topp was born in England but claims to be from Zealand. She has been described as “a girl who loves fashion” by her fans. She is described as looking a lot like Emma Watson from Harry Potter as she is very tall and has blue eyes. Emma’s other nationalities are American and British.

Height: Emma Topp stands at 158 cm and has brown hair. She is also known to have dark eyes. This is of course combined with her being an American and as many people can identify with being American as it is an identity issue, not a physical one.

Age: Emma Topp was born in England but claims to be from Zealand. She is described as being “a girl who loves fashion” by her fans.
