The Impact of Gender And Age On Women’s Health


Emma Virtz has always been open and honest about her physicality, particularly as it relates to her height. Born in Germany as an only child, she hid her appearance for years before finally revealing her true beauty during her graduation from college. When marrying a younger man in her thirties in pursuit of her dreams of travel and adventure, she thought that she would no longer have to conceal her physicality. Unfortunately, her dream of a world abroad was never fulfilled and in 2021 she lost her partner and traveled once again, this time to the United States of America to pursue her dreams of becoming a writer.

While in the country Emma became a constant thorn in her stepmother’s side because she refused to accept her status as a German by birth. The stress and frustration of her situation became too much for her to bear and in order to make amends she decided to consult with her doctor about the possibility of having a hysterectomy. Her doctors suggested several options including having a hysterectomy immediately, but Emma Virtz felt that her body was not yet ready and that she would rather address her remaining issues through natural means, such as through weight loss.

Emma Virtz decided that in lieu of a hysterectomy she would like to try one of the many natural methods of controlling her estrogen levels through herbs and diet. As it turns out, her sudden bout of arthritis did not have much to do with the herbs she chose, but everything with the way she processed what she ate. As it turns out, Emma Virtz is a certified nutritionist and fitness professional and upon learning of her osteoporosis she consulted a nutritionist and fitness trainer who specializes in osteoporosis and dietary management. The results of this consultation led Emma Virtz to discover a very successful method of controlling her osteoporosis naturally. Through hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, Emma Virtz was able to dramatically reduce her hormone levels, which in turn led to lessened inflammation, a more normal heart rate, decreased cholesterol levels, and an increase in muscle strength.
