Height Nation – Partner by Emma Lord


Emma Lord is the creator of Tweetie, a social networking tool for artists, tweeters, and those just looking to say what’s on their minds. She is a web writer who also freelances for other media outlets. Her site is a social networking platform that gives its users the ability to post short articles and pictures and make announcements for upcoming events, websites, and sales/ promos/tickets. Height Nation: Partner is her latest project and is currently available for download from her website.

Height Nation: Partner is written for those that “want to stay in the loop with the most current information about artists, music, and their lives,” according to the author’s bio on the site. ” Emma Lord has been featured in numerous publications including Internet Letters, Website Ink, and Digital Content magazine, and more. She is passionate about sharing interesting and humorous stories from her vantage point as a digital media editor and freelance writer/author.” According to the book description,” Height Nation is about life in the Big Apple, as well as traveling for music stars. Emma enjoys telling interesting stories from both her work and personal life.”

According to the book description,” Emma Lord was raised in North Carolina, and her hobbies are writing either running or bolting show tunes while traveling the country. She is very comfortable when it comes to being alone but loves meeting new people, talking about travel, and sharing the common love of America. She loves playing music from different genres and has a great appreciation for all things urban or country. She loves working with musicians and recording producers, especially those from alternative, indie, and folk genres.”
