Spring 2021 Fashion Trends Over 50


Spring is fast approaching and we can feel it in the air. The thought of running out to the shops as soon as the weather changes brings a smile to my face. I can’t wait to see what the fashion industry has to offer this year, spring is always my favourite season. There are some fabulous spring/summer styles to choose from, I am looking forward to trying them all. My list includes everything from party frocks to dressy jackets and polo shirts.

This spring I decided to try out the skinny jeans, I’m happy to say that these are the most stylish jeans I own. I love how they fit over my dress and I can’t explain how much the sun and wind have faded them. I’ve been wearing this particular style for almost two years and the pattern is still as soft as it was when I first got them.

This year if I had to choose a top that I would really like to try on, it would have to be a polo shirt. I think this is a really timeless style that will never go out of fashion. I can’t wait to see what the fashion world has to offer over the next few months, I’m sure I’ll be back on the bandwagon riding with the guys wearing polo shirts!
