Spring Cycling Fashion Trends for the Herbivores and Carnivores


Spring 2021 Fashion Trends will be leaning more towards the Herbivores and Plants vs. Machines. The main topics will revolve around the difference between herbivores who hunt and eat fresh vegetables, like deer, elk and moose, and carnivores who hunt and eat dead animals like raccoons, hyenas and rats. It will look as though humans have become vegetarians. Humans will also become more cognizant of the damage that their actions have inflicted on the planet as well as other living creatures and trees and flowers. The Spring 2021 Fashion Trends shows that this trend will continue into the future with new combinations and new additions to existing themes that are already in the works.

The current Spring 2021 fashion trends colors will be a mixture of both plant and animal-oriented art forms. Multipurpose materials, like silk and synthetic grass will be a popular choice for apparel among both plant and animalivores. People will also want to create an aesthetic environment that is void of any artificial objects as part of their Spring 2021 theme. Art and paintings will play a big part of this theme and even the clothing will be decorated with natural elements.

People looking to dress up in spring apparel will want to avoid any associations with the fall apparel theme of past seasons. They will instead want to focus on items that are more in line with the healthy growth and development of young bodies and their teeth in nature. Humans developed teeth through the process of evolution, but some species are still developing incisors and molars. The new themes and colors of spring planning and fashion trends will allow people to embrace these biological realities while portraying healthy and attractive body images. People who are not closely related to either plant or animal will also be able to wear apparel that is in keeping with the new themes.
