Career in Actuality


Emma Davies-Dixon was born in Canada and was named after the actress Emma Frost. Emma Frost had a long and illustrious career as an actress in Hollywood, which earned her a number of honors and awards including an Academy Award for Best Actress in Year One. Emma also went on to play other notable characters such as Bridesmaids in Gone with the Wind, a maid in Gidget and countless others. She also worked in television and films such as The Damned United and The Stepford Wives among others.

Emma grew up in Yorkshire, a town that is situated near the border with England known as Yarmouth. She is the mother of two children, Jack and Sarah. Her nationality is British and she has given up her Canadian citizenship due to the fact that she lives in the United Kingdom. As a child, Emma was very talented with writing, however, it was not until she was in her teens that she began to gain recognition. As a result of this continuous struggle, Emma managed to get a degree in journalism before going on to study acting professionally.

Emma’s credits also include appearances on television shows such as Absolutely Life and spin-off series The Firm. She has also acted in a number of movies and TV commercials. Emma currently has no movies lined up at the moment, but one project that she is considering is a movie role in a movie revival of the Mona Lisa. Another project that is being considered is a role in a TV series based around a character known as Ripley. She would simply portray the role of another survivor of the zombie plague. Other roles that Emma is considering including a teacher in a high school and even a love interest for Dan O’Brien, the star of the television drama Once Dead.
