Print on Print Fashion Trend


Print on Print Fashion Trend

The Japanese have spent hundreds of years perfecting print on fashion trend garments that are as unique and exciting to them as they are to the rest of the world. From their elegant kimonos to their flamboyant yukata sandals, the Japanese fashion industry is a leader in the global fashion scene. It has been a staple of Japanese culture for several centuries and continues to be a hallmark of beauty and style in this modern era. For this reason, many people from other cultures look to the Japanese when trying to identify high-end fashions. But to truly understand the complexity and depth of this extremely popular fashion, it is important to dig deeper into the history of print on fashion trends.

Traditionally, the Japanese fused prints of nature with elements from rice paper and plant matter into paintings, landscapes, and jewelry. In addition to painting these natural scenes, the Japanese often mixed prints of geometric shapes and patterns to produce striking geometric shapes which were heavily highlighted with vibrant color from rice paper. These geometric prints on fabrics accessories have remained very popular throughout the years and are still a staple of the Japanese fashion scene today.

As mentioned previously, the Japanese art of decorating with prints was largely based on capturing natural scenes from nature, but over the years the craftsmen have developed even more sophisticated techniques to use with their natural print designs. Prints that were created for jewelry, clothing, accessories, cushions, and table cloths often featured intricate details such as knot work, flower arrangements, and animal prints that were highlighted by bright colors and bold patterns. In fact, the artisans developed even more complex artwork and designs, adding feathers, flowers, and numerous colors to create a truly eye-catching artwork. Today, some of these artisans still create unique and stunning jewelry pieces and prints, using techniques such as folding and weaving, along with using highly vivid dyes and pastels. Many times these highly colored artworks blend together quite well with other garments and accessories for an eclectic look, which is still very much in style with the latest fashion trends.
