Emma Stone Wins Second Academy Award For Best Actress in Live Action


Emily Jean Stone is an American actor. She is best known for her starring role as Victoria, an aging sultry beauty, in the acclaimed film’s 300: Rise of an Emperor and The Beach. She also has appeared in some less famous movies such as Pleasantville. The age of thirty-one is the age when an actress has the maximum time allowed to file a lawsuit against her former partner or company; therefore, Stone was given forty-five days to make up her mind regarding a possible suit. Her suit was denied by the courts.

Stone is not the only famous face from the acting industry who was denied the chance to be nominated for the best actress Oscar; she is joined by actresses Greta Garbo and Joan Collins. The reason for Stone’s failure to win the Oscar for Best Actress in 2021 is that the voters were not satisfied with her performance. Her screen test for the lead role in The Beach was a disaster, as was her casting for the part of Victoria in The Social Network. Her co-stars did not help matters, with La Land’s Noah Rankenberry failing to give her the same level of support that she expected for her performance.

If Stone had been given another chance at finding herself nominated for the best actress Oscar, she might very well have won, as was previously mentioned. But in this day and age, with all the scandals going on Hollywood, it is more likely that any woman will be lucky to win an academy award for any role. And in this case, Emma Stone certainly deserved one. Despite the many controversies that have surrounded her career, Emma Stone remains one of the best actresses alive today. Her numerous honors and awards make her the toast of Hollywood.
